Overseas business travel and business support services

We keep you accompanied on overseas business trips and provide supports in your local business.

Our staff with abundant experience in overseas business trips as well as managerial operations, bridge the gaps caused by cultural differences, such as language, culture, and thinking, and help you to create a business-friendly environment.

Unlike general interpretation services, our experienced staff in project management are happy to perform related tasks for you, so you can get focused on your business itself.

Service Details

We have pools of staff familiar with overseas business and full of understanding of different cultures, smooth communication with local stakeholders is highly assured.

Service Steps

1. Briefing

We hold a preparation briefing to deepen understanding of the contents of the meeting to be held locally. Based on the briefing, we create pre-meeting notes.

2. Schedule management

We support for effective action plans in your limited time.

3. Selection of participating members

We help to identify your preferable members to join and invite them to the meeting.

4. Meeting day

We facilitate the decision-making process.

5. Follow-up task

We make sure there is no gap between the understandings of both parties, and create a document to make record of the meeting. A glossary of terms defined in the meeting will also be available.

Case Study

A Major Automotive Manufacturer


Company A, a major Japanese automotive manufacturer, outsourced its operations to companies in Europe, United States and Asia respectively, and decided to implement the deliverables on a trial basis in Indonesia. Our staff and members of Company A have visited the local site to deal with potential troubles after the system test.


① We managed to solve problems after poring over the product manual meticulously.
② It revealed that the person in charge of the product test was not clearly identified since there were no designated staff for the project with Company A. There were only a couple of local staff with limited availability, participating in the project during their spare time while working on their regular tasks. The person in charge was finally appointed after the meeting.
③ After the meeting, we succeed in submitting the list of measures for the specific issues and the decisions to the companies concerned.