Overseas Video Conferences / Conference calls Navigation Support

Our staff and translators who have experience in overseas business will support you with video conferences and conference calls.

We will get involved in preparation meetings, no matter how we communicate each other, like face-to-face, or web meeting, helping to deepen mutual understandings among participants and help fill the gaps due to differences in countries, languages and cultures.

Our bilingual staff set up a group of two and keep on providing support in face-to-face meetings, Webex and Skype meetings as your team member. We realize smooth communication among the participant(s) throughout the meeting.

Service Details

With a group of two with excellent language skills and lot of experience in management, we can flexibly respond to various situations, which enables smooth meeting facilitation.

We share materials, agendas, meeting goals, challenges and issues through preparation meeting and bridge the gaps in communication between different countries. We provide you with a stress-free meeting facilitation for all participants.

We will continue our support after the meeting. We will summarize the issues discussed during the meeting and follow up on whether the specific measures and decisions are correctly understood between your company and the other party.

Service Steps

1. Briefing

We hold a briefing to deepen understanding of the contents of the locally held meeting. Based on the briefing, we create pre-meeting notes.

2. Rehearsal (Day before )

We make arrangement of the day and list up an agenda.

3. Meeting day

We facilitate the decision-making process.

4. Follow-up task

We make sure there is no gap between the understandings of both parties, and create a document to make record of the meeting. A glossary of terms defined

Case Study

A Major Machine Maker


Company A, a major Japanese machinery maker, commissioned IoT development to three US companies (software development company, device manufacturer, and telecommunications company), but had never held a meeting in which all four companies gathered together.

Shortly after the request for development, Company A held a web conference with the three companies for the first time, and it was discovered that development process was undergone without any collaboration amongst the companies. They were even unaware of what each company's role is. As a result, it revealed that the telecommunications company would have to submit an application to the country for changing the device, and delay of the entire schedule was was inevitable.


During the meeting, in which advanced linguistic and communication skills were required, we decided to take the following actions.

① We got the situation right and made the contents to be discussed clear.
② We re-created the meeting agenda and continued the meeting, eventually clarified the respective roles among the three companies.
③ We addressed emerged potential risks (a potential crisis threatening the project).
④ After the meeting, we managed to submit the list of measures for the specific issues and the decisions to the companies concerned.